Sunday, 17 February 2013


Challenging students to work smart

I have been reading Dr Carol Dwecks’ book Mindset: the new psychology of success in which she talks about fixed mindsets and growth mindsets and the effects that these can have on people as learners. It resonates with me on many levels but particularly in regard to students who believe that they have innate talent, are the best at maths in the class and do not stop to think before applying a long-winded strategy to a problem. They do not stop to think:
“Could I use a save-brain-space strategy that would be quicker and safer?”
They simply used a tried and tested method without stretching themselves. This was brought home to me in a Year 4 classroom this week when I posed a problem that can be solved in many ways and which easily identifies the students who stop and think from those who apply an overused and familiar strategy. Here is the version I used, but I’m sure you could adapt it to suit your class.

Note: There is usually a reason for a fundraiser so just adapt this a bit. Also, the amounts can be changed to suit a range of learners but ensure that the numbers allow for efficient strategies.
The students were asked to think smart and to record their thinking. In this particular Year 4 class there were five students who came and told me that the problem was too easy for them because they were the best in the class at maths and had special work. I told them not to worry that when the first part was finished I had two stings in the tail for them. Off they went quite happily to do the first part in anticipation of the stings.

This is when the fixed mindset became evident. They each sat and without conferring quickly made a series of ‘sums’ that used methods that they were familiar with.
And then of course they had a long vertical addition to finish it off.
Now they demanded where was the sting? I looked at their work and said
“I am not overly impressed with your strategies!”
One student began to protest and then stopped and demanded to know why.
I told them that being a mathematician entailed always looking for the most reliable and efficient strategy possible.
“Your strategy is not particularly reliable, not very efficient and certainly not the elegant method of solution I would expect of a good mathematician.”
I asked them to rethink, to work together and find a more efficient strategy that saved brain space and could easily be carried out without pencil and paper.
At first both the students and the teacher were shocked by the feedback but it wasn’t long before the students were deeply engaged in a conversation about ‘what she meant’ and began to think in more interesting ways. It took nearly 5 minutes before they decided to count the dozens, also adding the ¼ and the ¾ together and arriving at 20 dozen. It is not a big step from there to find that 10 dozen is 120 and doubling 120 gives 20 dozen, then adding 6 for the remaining half dozen.
They of course got to work on both stings in the tail.

Sting 1

The local baker said that he would give them cake trays so that they could sell the cakes in trays of 6.
How many trays were needed?

Needless to say traditional division came to the rescue. But again why divide when you could apply a more efficient strategy without the aid of pencil and paper algorithms. Think about it, the students had also identified that 20 dozen plus a half dozen was the answer to the first part so why not us the relationship of double 6 makes a dozen and multiply 20 dozen is 40 by two. Again I challenged the students’ thinking and 
they stopped and thought and spotted the easier strategy.

Sting 2

They sold each tray for $3.45. How much money did they raise?

The lesson ended too soon but not before I heard the group say ‘She must have a good strategy for working out how much money was made. Let’s see if we can find it.’
It is interesting to note that there was one student who was not of a fixed mindset. In fact he knew that he needed to think hard to solve the problem and actually tried to ‘save brain space’ .He quickly spotted that it would be easier to count the dozens and work from there. Students really like the term ‘save brain space’. Once introduced to it, they begin to look for a wider range of strategies to see if they can actually find a method of solution that is easier to carry out, more reliable in finding the correct result and which can be seen to ‘save brain space’.

So the point of this is let’s stop praising and rewarding raw talent and start prompting for real thinking and response to challenge. Let’s insist on a growth mindset not a fixed mindset. In the end I think we will have more resilient and more self-regulating learners who actually enjoy maths.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Lost Time

 Making the most of transition times

I was reminded yet again early this week how much valuable time is lost during a school day. I went into a year 6/7 class this week to do a demo lesson and waited as students arrived, handed over money for camp, gave messages of one kind and another to the teacher. Ten minutes went by until she was free to introduce me to the class. And what were the students doing during that time? They were chatting or dreaming on the carpet. There are many transitions during the day and time gets lost if we are not careful. I suspect that over a week this down time could absorb an hour or even more of the roughly precious 25 hours contact time.
My response — we need lots of worthwhile short challenging problems or puzzles that require students to think and to review earlier content. They can do this together or alone. For example, here is a decimal problem that could keep most Grade 5, 6 or 7 classes busy for a while.

This kind of puzzle shows what I mean. Students do not have to arrive at an answer necessarily and they may not find all the possible answers but they do need to be challenged in odd moments. Provide a space where students can during the day or over a few days add their answers if they want to. Some students may continue the exploration of possible answers at home as well. The year 6/7 teacher reported to me yesterday that she has set this up already in a way that mirrors ‘Letters and Numbers’ (the TV show) and the kids are buying in really well so far. And here is something for the Lower Primary grades:

Hint: For the Make 9 problem think decimals and be careful with your place value. For the Totals problem, answers written on a PostIt could be arranged to make a bar chart,
If you do find time for these, your comments would be most welcome.

Monday, 4 February 2013

How many crocodiles?

Subitizing Leads to Fluency with Addition

Subitize means to suddenly know, in this case to suddenly know how many.
Going through my stash of cheap wrapping papers (yes I am addicted to them) I came across a sheet of bright crocodiles. Subitizing came into my head and with the aid of the wrapping paper, scissors and a glue stick I suddenly had 14 subitizing cards.

Why is subitizing so important?

Even very young children can look at a small collection and just know without counting how many are there. In fact if you watch them they will see 3 crocodiles for instance and put 3 fingers up to match. No visible counting has taken place.
When children are facile with just visually perceiving they begin to conceptualise. For the example below for instance it is likely that students will spot the 2 and the 2 which is instantly known as 4 and 1 more makes 5.

If you ask what they saw and what they did, this is a likely explanation. There is a lot embedded in this simple addition:

  1. It is the first indication that the concept of altogether is developing. Children who touch and count them all will not be demonstrating the concept of altogether in quite this way).
  2.  It is an indication that children are looking for familiar patterns that help them ‘save brain space’.
  3. It is the beginning of automaticity with number facts and children who have heard terms such as double and count on will be applying those labels and strategies. The Mental Computation books and Natural Maths Strategies for Parents give more detail about this.

The poster that I made for 11 shows that more sophistication can be brought to the task as visual pattern spotting and number sense further develop. For this example for instance, students may spot 5 and 5 is 10 and one more is 11. Alternatively they may spots 6 and 5 as a near double or 7 plus 3 is the rainbow fact that makes to 10 and 1 more is 11. The beauty of these laminated cards is that students can use markers to make their thinking visible. 

But wait there is more!

At the next level combine two cards and ask students to explain what they see and how they work out how many on a pair of cards or more. Encourage comparison of strategies in terms of ease of use, reliability (spotting 10s is usually the most efficient and the most reliable so focus on this at some points). Combining cards will allow students to use the full range of addition strategies, count on, double, rainbow facts, near doubles, friendly numbers and bridge through ten as shown on the poster below.

Digital Technology

Yes once the cards are made they can be captured for the same use but digitally. And you can make them into a subitizing slideshow in PowerPoint. Johnny has put together a simple slideshow that you can edit to fit the wrapping paper of your choice. Click Download PowerPoint file to fetch the How many crocodiles? file and follow these simple instructions.

  1. In slide 2, right click the picture and choose Change Picture. This lets you put your own picture into the slide show and the animation effects will still work.
  2. To change the length of time that the picture stays on the screen, open the Animations tab and click the Animation Pane button in the Advanced Animations section. This will show you the animation steps that are attached to this slide.
  3. Click on the second action, which is the one that hides the picture. Open the drop-down menu and choose Timing … which opens a dialogue box (see below). Adjust the Delay timing up or down, depending on how long you want the picture to stay on the screen.
  4. Change the pictures on the remaining screens to your own pictures.
  5. If you want new slides with the same animation effects, simply press Ctrl  + D to duplicate the current slide and all the animation effects will be there on your new slide.

Have Fun!!!