A new series of 10 books written by Ann have just been
released by Pascal Press.
Over the next few days, we’ll give you an overview of
the series, and where better to start than with the two books on Addition and
Those of you who know our parent books will not be surprised
to see that these two books follow a logical developmental sequence that takes
the child from counting on through doubles and rainbow facts to bridge through
10 and number splitting using a variety of representations, such as chunking.
By the way, did you know that Ann has been called the Chunking Queen – a
well-deserved title!
The Addition and Subtraction books also introduce the two
important representations of chunking and empty number line.
In the examples
blow, the chunking diagram for 25 +36 has been given a new look and the empty
number line for the subtraction 45 – 26 shows how number splitting makes sense
of the subtraction process.

The series has been designed for the parent market, but we
feel sure that you will find lots in them that will give you inspiration for
your strategy lessons. For details, go to:
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